Integral Stack

Consulting & Leadership

Web & Mobile
Software Development

Contact Us


    We can help you launch a new product or seamlessly integrate with your development team to accelerate product delivery. In either case, we build software with relentless attention to quality, modern development techniques, and leading technology.

  • Full-stack Development

    Software as a service, single page apps, mobile apps, microservices, API design, quality assurance & testing

  • Web3 & Blockchain Development

    DAPP development, Hyperledger, smart contracts, Cryptocurrency

  • DevOps & Platform architecture

    Containerization, container orchestration, cloud architecture, CI/CD pipelines

  • Consulting & Training

    Architecture guidance, team training, software development consulting, digital transformation


  1. Provision, setup, and secure a TinaCMS cloud editor on AWS

    This tutorial will guide you through the setup, provisioning and securing the TinaCMS cloud editor with Gatsby and AWS.

  2. Micro Frontends in the Wild

    Micro frontends have emerged as a new architectural approach for building out frontends at scale...

Have a project in mind,
but not sure where to start?

Let's talk you through the product that you are hoping to build. We can provide you with free expertise and guidance on the technology and software architecture that will help you achieve your goals and bring the project to fruition.

Free Consultation


Integral Stack was founded in 2020 with the intent of building web & mobile software with relentless quality, without losing sight of business results. Most recently, Integral Stack has helped a enterprise SAAS provider with a department-wide transition to a micro frontend architecture in React and has built RESTful API's in node.js and Rust for projects in the cryptocurrency space. Please reach out for work examples from our portfolio.

Sean Michael, Owner and Principal ConsultantLinkedIn Link

Sean Michael

Owner & Principal Consultant

With over a decade of experience building software, Sean has had the opportunity to tackle a wide range of challenges across the stack for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500's. He has a track record for building high-quality digital products, delivering on-time, and leading engineering teams to success. He is well versed in full-stack development and is a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer, an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and a Certified Bitcoin Professional.

Marlín Javier Sarmiento, Software EngineerLinkedIn Link

Javier Sarmiento

Software Engineer

Previously a Primary Care Physician in Honduras, Javier is now pursuing his second career as a software developer. He discovered his love for programming while attempting to solve issues that he encountered in the field of medicine, utilizing technology. Over the last 5 years he has built mobile applications for calculating neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations and intravenous drug infusions, among others. He finds a deep satisfaction in solving engineering problems and is currently focused on sharpening his back-end skills.

León Esteban González, Software EngineerLinkedIn Link

León Esteban González

Software Engineer

León is a Software Engineer from Medellín, Colombia. He is a highly motivated engineer, specialized in web development. He has a major in Systems Engineering from Universidad EAFIT in Medellín, and a master's degree in Full Stack Web Development from ThreePoints Digital School and the UPC School (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) in Barcelona. He enjoys developing mostly in the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express, React.js and Node.js.

© Integral Stack 2023